Arsh Chowdhry presents at BrumAI

Arsh Chowdhry presents virtually at BrumAI

On March 6th 2024, Arsh Chowdhry presented his reasearch entitled: Discovering Trade-offs between Fairness and Accuracy in ML systems: A Multi-objective approach to a regional AI community group based in Birmingham, UK; BrumAI.

Arsh presented his research to over 140 attendees, discussing different defintions of fairness, the prevalence of bias within machine learning algorithms, and the potential for accuracy-fairness tradeoffs in machine learning models. Arsh concluded his talk by showcasing his results and highlighted the potential contextual, ethical, and business-orientated aspects that ought to be considered when deploying machine learning systems; particularly when they are trained using sensitive attributes.

If you are interested in hearing Arsh’s talk, the recording has been made publicly available here.