Trustworthy AI Lab researchers publish two new articles in the latest issue of Technology and Society Magazine.

Cover of the December 2023 issue of IEEE Technology and Society Magazine, with the title ‘Artificial Intelligence – Rocket or Racket?’

Trustworthy AI Lab researchers, along with international collaborators, have published two articles in the latest issue of IEEE Technology and Society Magazine.

The first, Human Centricity in the Relationship Between Explainability and Trust in AI, with Zahra Atf, discusses reasons why explainable AI does not always lead to increases in trust, and sometimes actually the reverse.

The second, The Stuff We Swim in: Regulation Alone Will Not Lead to Justifiable Trust in AI, with the attendees of the 2023 Trust in Intelligent Machines workshop, explores how we might want to think about how trust operates in the complex socio-technical fabric that AI, AI companies, government, academia, the media, and others create.

There are several other excellent articles in this issue as well!